About Linus

Linus is my English Springer straight from Heaven. He has been my constant companion for almost 14 years. Recently at a visit to his veterinarian, the doctor mentioned that she only sees one or two English Springers like Linus a year. Perhaps it is because they are a hunting dog and folks are just not interested in this breed. For myself, he has been a godsend.

Recently I took down a fence in the backyard and Linus was so funny to go past where the old fence used to be. I guess it is true you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Actually maybe you can. Check out my photos of Linus finally adventuring out into new territory in my garden that has been off-limits from him.

7 thoughts on “About Linus

      1. alesiablogs Post author

        I have heard others having problems like this too. I think it is a glitch in the system. Sometimes you have to just go out of the blog all together and reopen it to get the comments to go through…I am not sure why it does that. Maybe it is something that Word press knows about and needs to fix…Hopefully we can hope they know..haha


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