Courageous Thinking

Inspiration for my writing comes from nature more than I realized.

Inspiration for my writing comes from nature more than I realized. Photo taken in Eastern Washington by the Cascade Mountains.

Presuming a need to become the best writer that I could be I brushed a broad stroke when I began my blog several months ago. ( )  .   I wanted to learn how to move into a new realm of reality to share in a way I had never been able to share before. Is there a lasting benefit in what I would share with you my reader?  Am I getting bogged down by crap not worthy of your trust to read?  December is upon us and after spending an incredible month of November writing more frequently, I realized how the need to become more intimate with you my reader is of upmost importance. If we are to learn of each other, we must be raw.

Recently I had a wonderful conversation with a fellow blogger that reminded me how we can touch each other by our own personal stories. Those stories may be private in nature or an experience that you have that could help someone else.  It is in this spirit, I look forward to elevating my sharing and putting new perspective on areas in my life that may help you.  We are a civilization that is so complex yet so simple when we think in or out of the box.  WE need more rebels and button pushers to cause us all to open up and be courageous thinkers.  I look for answers from you as you may look to me for answers.  We all have friends to talk to, but not all friends are on the same level.  Can you open up completely with someone in your life? I mean pour your heart out until you are bleeding.  There is only a rare soul that will listen wholeheartedly anyway.  We all need to learn to cut through the BULL S%#@.  I am reminded of Helen Reddy singing, “I am WOMAN hear me ROAR!” Today fingers to keyboard- I push to that rare courage to be myself.

TOPICS I will be blogging on. Please let me know if one topic is of more interest to you.  This will help me to concentrate on putting out the information you are most interested in :

1. Autism and the Impact it has on our Family Unit. My 20 year old son is Autistic. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

2. Neurological conditions beyond Autism which include my Brain Tumor and the Impact that it has had on our Family Unit. Also the medical blunders that happened along the way.

3. Bioethics, Philosophy, and God.

4. Genealogy and Family Research. Stories from the past in regards to history.

5. Medical Blogs with Information that I can share after a 30 plus year history as a Registered Nurse.

6. Photography and my travelling experiences.

7. Everyday Moments.


8 thoughts on “Courageous Thinking

  1. Richard Rethke

    Alesia You might want to ask your readers to critique your blog. Also you may want to ask yourself; who is the target audience that you are writing for?   In my case a human interest story is more interesting than looking at some fabulous photos (there are lots of fabulous photos on the internet). You  have insight on how to deal with autism that could help  others deal with a like situation or better understand the illness. You said your son was violent, how do you deal with it? Next  will we  be seeing a fabulous photo of you with two black eyes? Hope that is not too harsh.  Dick



    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I think you have valid points. A couple of things I think about is that I can definitely share more about Luke. I will do that. The other thing is that actually there seems to be quite an audience for one’s own photos on WordPress. I look at alot of art online on WordPress and love it.
      Also I will keep that in mind about the black eyes. Luke is not violent like that where he would just come at you and punch you out. haha You did not hurt my feelings. I really do want folks to let me know what they want me to write about. Alesia


  2. Garden Walk Garden Talk

    I am all for whatever you post. I like reading different things and things I know very little. There is a lot of diversity in your list of 1-7. Go for it! But I do agree with Dick also. I did a few posts on blogging that got tremendous response, because, like you, I often question what is posted.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I think one of the reasons I enjoy blogging is the fact we can write whatever we want to. It is my hope I can bring clarity to what have been some really hard life experiences I have had. I am learning that the actual writing experience can be exactly what the doctor ordered. It is good for the soul. Thank you. Alesia : )


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      So sorry you are having computer problems. Hang in there! You can always try again later. I would love to hear more of what you are thinking. Yes. I do try to pour out my heart in my writing. thank you,Alesia



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