Captured By Your Presence

Dedicated To My Sons:

In a yearning desire to bring my happy and sentimental past to life again, my family traveled with me to my childhood world of Hawaii for my 50th birthday. Such nostalgia is easily brought back to my inner being as my sons experienced my old life. They too were “plunged” into instant gratification of a world they may have never known if not for my insistence to vacation there.

It is with wonder bringing dreams come true for me to be with my kids in Hawaii. Living in Hawaii for four years as a young person with my own parents was the epitome of pure joy. How can you describe something to someone else unless they experienced it themselves?

Immersing my life’s past to my children’s’ present time in Hawaii makes for a true experience now merged forever.

Showing a whole new world to them is like painting on canvas. The artist’s strokes begin with a lone girl enjoying the sand on the beach. As the artist’s rendition begins to evolve, two other figures are captured in the drawing. They are my own boys on each side of me laughing with love that comes through with each stroke of the artist’s handiwork.

This life can only get better as merging a past with its present brings on amazing memories into the future.




12 thoughts on “Captured By Your Presence


    I enjoyed reading this story of how you indulged your family in your reminiscing; a very wise show of love. When parents reminisce about their childhood, or anything, and include their children (regardless of their age), it’s one of the wisest ways to indulge in the world. The parent’s past, even with all the glory and gory details exposed, validates the mom and dad as not only parents, but also as friends, even casual companions, if given the chance. Their kids don’t feel, anymore, they must always be “on guard”. When I did some reminiscing a couple years ago when one of my sons was hanging out at the house, my reminiscing had the effect on my son of being somewhat surprised, that his dad had “really done that”. He smiled, then laughed and said, “I’ll be.” I’ll never forget it! Glad you wrote this and, please, don’t stop reminiscing! I’m not.


  2. Stacy

    A lifetime ago, you showed me a picture of toddler Luke in front of Mt Ranier. You told me you thought about moving to be closer to family, then imagined an older Luke looking at that photo and saying, “Mommy, How could you move me away from such a beautiful place?” Now I understand that those were the words of a mom who was, herself, blessed to grow up in a place of great beauty.

    I’m glad your 50th is such a rich experience for you and your family. Here’s to 50 more!


    PS Can you believe my sister was supposed to be in Hawaii at the same time you were? She contracted mono and had to cancel her trip. Weird, huh?


  3. Genevieve Petrillo

    Looking back helps us see ahead more clearly. What a great piece of your past you were able to share with your family. Is the Hula Girl bracelet accurate, or just a figment of your imagination?? 🙂



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