The Check’s Been Paid


Sometimes I get scared. I wonder though about that weakness of fear and actually

what makes us so vulnerable.  I realize long ago being human is a lot of work.  Being scared is just an emotion that God built inside of us to realize we will have fear, but we are alive.


I discover an eagle flying over my head gracefully. The eagle reminds me how I can fly even in the midst of any circumstance of fear.  This meaningful life is not all about us.  It is about having a good life and letting the rest work itself out. I can fly like this eagle.


I decided to plant some flowers above my eagle watching.I wanted something to look at from my living room window. Flowers  and the eagle have  made me smile and I am reminded someone planted us long ago and knew that we would falter, waiver, and be all dried up. But today I opened my eyes and saw God through all my utter failings.


I feel like crying, but instead I find my way back ever so slowly.  Every second is a miracle from the beginning to the end of our days.  I take pictures to remind me I am someone special in the sight of God.  I see strength and courage through the smallest of things and I wonder why.  They are just pictures.   But they make me happy.  Happy because I see freedom in the eagle flying above as well my little birds in my backyard.  They are all free.


Maybe these are all kinds of random thoughts with my photography.  But it is who I am. Ok everyone. The check’s been paid for.  So when I am afraid, I know someone knows.



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