What’s In A Name?

Actions speak louder than words. At least that is what my daddy used to say. He grew up dirt poor in rural Kentucky and farmed land with his own daddy. Parts of the land owned by my paternal ancestors stayed within our family for generations. In fact names also stayed in the family. Let me explain. My oldest son’s name is Luke William. My dad’s name was William Randall. My grandfather’s name was Willie. Willie’s daddy was William Farr. In fact the name William goes all the way back to William Whitnell who was a preacher. He was born in 1796 in North Carolina and fought as a young teenager in the War of 1812. His actions helped save our country and make it what it is today. The land he owned was his payment for his military service and is where this cemetery lies.
About two weeks ago, 10 men got together and cleaned our old family cemetery. It is with delight I saw cemetery stones I had never seen before. This blog post is dedicated to all you genealogy buffs out there. Keep on searching and at some point you just might find your gold mine. These people represent a part of me. Seeing these stones and this cemetery being cleaned up was one of the best gifts I could have ever imagined. There are so many folks I could thank for helping me to locate and clean this place up. I send you warm wishes with this blog! If you are interested in more photos you may go to my dedicated facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/DescendantsOfWhitnellJenkins

13 thoughts on “What’s In A Name?

  1. prayingforoneday

    You seen a part of your history, with your own eyes, dating back so long.
    That must have been something.
    I tried these crappy online family tree things, but me and some family decided to do it ourselves.

    Enjoy this moment. I can almost feel it.



    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Yeah. It is pretty amazing! Thanks for checking it out. I tried a new media insert and made the photos round! lol However the reader post does not show a photo so that is a bummer because at times it is a photo that drives folks to look at the blog post. I may change it just because of that. I will monitor it and see what happens…It really is indeed a magical story to find so many ancestors. thanks for dropping by! Alesia


  2. John

    Great photos, and what wonderful men to do such heavy work to clean up the area. They should always be kept clean. Thank you for sharing this. So very interesting. I find cemitaries <–spelled wrong, fascinating.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I have a whole page dedicated to my paternal ancestors. If you want to see more photos go to the link that is on the post at the bottom.. I did not include all the photos but my page has several more. Thank you , John. Getting this cemetery took me over a year of discussing it with folks in the area and than meeting others who were interested as I was to honor our loved ones.


  3. Andrea

    Interesting topic tonight. I just sent a list of the 2500+ names exported from my Reunion (genealogy software) to my sister who is expecting her first baby this year. All I know is she is looking for an old fashioned and/or uncommon name. I exported the list with all names in alphabetical order by first name. It was interesting to see how often some names appear. I marked the ones who are direct ancestors with their birth and death dates if known.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Wow. That was cool. I have lost some software from family tree and have to recreate some stuff. I have made back up on some of my stuff, but lost the great family tree softward I had…..Glad to see you are still catching me when I do blog on genealogy..l am all over the map these days..Hope you are enjoying married life! Your Friend, Alesia PS I will never forget how we met all because of an old photo…lol


  4. Kat at travelgardeneat

    Genealogy is such a fascinating treasure hunt! How wonderful to have someone take care to reveal these treasures in the cemetery. My husband and I used to do a lot of it until our kids came along, who were not the best research companions when young. I connected with some before-unknown distant cousins and we helped fill in each other’s “trees” and still keep in touch with many. The advent of Internet research opened up a whole new world of possibilities, and I look forward to continuing branching out my tree in a few years as my kids fly the nest.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I have several family members who did so much research, but as you said with the internet and all its possibilities I was able to connect many dots that they were not able to…Some dots maybe they did not want to know about too!



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