Fitting In

About Alesia

Yes. That is me--over 40 years ago!!!

Yes. That is me–over 40 years ago!!!

I hope you will take a moment and find out why I started to blog initially and answer my question below. My blog has evolved tremendously in 2 years. If my words only assist one person to feel better about themselves, I say that one person was worth me writing for.

I am looking at writing more about a few issues and I wanted to share those with you and ask for your help in what you would like to see more from me. Here are the choices:

1. Medical Advice or commentary on medical issues from the perspective of my 30 year career as an RN.
2. Autism ( My 21 year old son was born with moderate to severe autism).
3. Cancer and my own medical story/Journey and how I have coped with my health.
4. Genealogy and my international roots I have uncovered on American soil as well as International soil.
5. Photography of nature and my take of life through photos.
6. RETRO 70’s post making fun and light of my childhood…( OK I must admit I love doing these kind of posts! )

Thanks for your input.

36 thoughts on “Fitting In

    1. alesiablogs Post author

      So I am now just getting around to reading my comments and I actually was surprised to receive so many. I had a feeling my retro 70’s would be one of the favs. I think I love those too because they make me “feel” good to write them even if I embellish the story line just a wee bit..For example, my sister likes to say I exaggerate. I suppose I might at times. However, there is no exaggerating how short those dresses we had on in this post. Thanks to mom who sewed all our clothes!!! haha


      1. tkmorin

        You don’t embellish or exaggerate, my dear, you simply give us an insight into all the five senses that were part of the experiences! 🙂 I look forward to reading more stories!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I think the childhood posts are definitely a fav of mine too. I will try and look at what interesting stories I can write from my genealogy studies. I have not done many of those in the last few months. Thanks for being one of my long time followers!!!!! Say hello to gang there.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Retro seems to be the killer and da bomb tonight I see. I will definitely look into posting more about health and the politics of an ever changing world of healthcare (without sounding like I am preaching!) haha


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Thank you Tillie. I have been really happy to see the 70’s posts getting their share of positivism tonight. I love writing those and I find when I am thinking of my past, those posts flow the best. Rock on! And yes–Spirituality will always be a part of who I am and I hope will always shine in some way through my writing.



    Re #3. What advice can you give someone who has been diagnosed with a deadly disease? What was it like to be told you have a brain tumor? How did you choose your surgeon? In retrospect what would you do differently? Like pictures of you when you were little. How did you decide to become a nurse? Was it difficult to get your nursing degree? What events stick in your mind from nursing school? You have rambled on about your autistic son. I would write about him unless something news worthy happens in his life. I don’t think you need to show us pictures of scenery or flowers or your dog.

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. alesiablogs Post author

      I always appreciate your comments because you show me exactly where you would like to see my writing go. I like the fact you put questions in your commemt to allow me to answer some of these. The answers may be a lot different than you would have ever imagined! In regards to all the questions about my brain tumor and so forth, in actuality I probably have not explained a lot about some of the unfortunate events that happened to me in regards to all the complications. Some of it has been hard to think about because I feel like if I had different doctors, I would not have ended up in the shape I am in now with all my chronic pain issues. I live constantly in pain and I blame the doctors that did not call the shots properly in my case. If I start speaking of it, I feel like I may be opening up wounds that are pretty closed for me now..I will need to figure out the right approach. I will try and explore your questions for sure…One question I can answer–Yes…It was difficult and hard to get my nursing degree, but somehow I passed everything and graduated with I believe it was 38 other students with our Bachelors in a class that started with 150! I am proud of the accomplishments, but I remember the ones that failed and how they cried. It was a crazy time.


  2. â™” la dauphine â™”

    Alesia! First of all, happy blogaversary! Yes, you have made me feel better about myself on many occasions, just so you know.
    My votes are staunchly for (1) genealogy…I’d love to probe the ages of my family tree myself but I don’t speak that many languages and (2) 70s retro! Yeah! Who doesn’t love a nostalgia pic and a great anecdote from decades past?


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Thank you so much. It has actually been over 2 years, but whose counting. haha. I appreciate your input. I actually see a trend in my comments and I think I have a good idea of how I may proceed. I have thought how cool would it be to write more about the genealogy, but in the first person of my ancestor as a youth in their time period.. It would obviously be a different genre of bringing to life an ancestor I never met. Does that sound crazy or what? haha


      1. alesiablogs Post author

        Yeah! Exactly! Do you think it could work? Would readers see it for what it is? It would take me really studying that time in history besides writing the post on a real ancestor of mine or my children! I think I am getting excited! Lol


      2. â™” la dauphine â™”

        I *do* think it could work but if you center more on the set, setting, style and atmosphere of the era and avoid getting hung up on the character’s voice. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying your family’s boring! 😉 Think of how tedious it is to read adult fiction told through a child’s voice. (Or am I the only person in the world who thinks that?)


      3. alesiablogs Post author

        That is a really good point. I would say in response to the voice of the writer through a child’s brain or perhaps even an adult would be short. My posts are usually not too long and I think I would keep to that style. I find more than 3 or 4 minutes of reading a blog is about all I can give to others. I used to spend 2 hours a day scoping through several blogs I liked and I just realized I could not do that any longer, but if I am captured by the blog and I have a few–I will go and check it out religiously. We will see. I know I have a core readership. Its not like I am the Huffington Thank you so much for your input. I like the idea of really bringing to life the setting and era…It is exactly what I was thinking.


  3. bawilliford

    Who can not love that sweet face! And your mom was rocking that pantsuit ! It’s always interesting to hear your day to day and your adventurers in life in general. You have been through what it takes to make an story. A true veteran . More ways than one. Love the vintage photos, history all your subjects!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alesiablogs Post author

      The clothes were all sewn by my mother. Can you believe that? haha I appreciate the kudos about the “adventures” of my life. Way too many to speak of and give justice their due diligence..Maybe one day. I think the trend does indeed seem to favor the retro 70’s posts! I like that indeed.


    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Genevieve, I am glad to have your input. It gives me clarity that its OK to write about any of these subjects! I have been trying to rack my brain about all this blogging…


  4. patriciasands

    Alesia, I’m a little late in responding but I wanted you to know that I appreciate reading everything you have to say. Your posts are always written with such raw honesty and insight. Not everyone is capable of being so open about challenges such as those you have faced … and continue to do so. Don’t ever doubt that your words are heard and appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person


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