The Case Of The Missing Bird Seed Of Epic Proportion


Squirrel:  brain thought : It is time!  She is not looking! 

Squirrel:  brain thought: She just thinks I am freezing! I have nothing in my paws!

Squirrel :  brain thought:  OK. I will just look cute and she want yell at me!!

Squirrel : brain thought:  I better drop a few. Look innocent and give her my please feel sorry for me look! 


Squirrel:  brain thought: OK. She is not buying my it. Time for an escape plan. 

Squirrel :  brain thought:  Hey wait. She is a dummy and just taking my picture. Hmmm. I should have put some makeup on and brushed my tail. Hey lady – I will be back , but could you fill up the bird feeders. They are a little low. 

16 thoughts on “The Case Of The Missing Bird Seed Of Epic Proportion

    1. alesiablogs Post author

      Maybe a good one for your girls to get a chuckle at! I have got to get the pictures up of them trying to bust the squirrel buster bird feeder. Darn – they are trying so hard!! Its so funny!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. alesiablogs Post author

        I have friends in the south who love squirrels so much. We laugh all the time at their antics. They really are little characters, but they do make me mad when my baby birds cant get to their feeders! I go out and argue with them and they just look at me like I am a “nut” case. No pun intended! Lol


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