Tag Archives: Politics

My Army Brat Childhood Highlights Through Photography


President Richard Nixon was a part of my army brat life when he visited Hawaii on his way to China for a pivotal strategic trip.  Dad took this photo at a military parade on February 20, 1972. He was a Command Sargent Major whose job entailed facilitating VIP’s.  I was in a unique position to view history in the making because of my dad’s position.  Nixon’s goal for this trip was to improve relations with communist China.

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Easy Out


No easy out- we must stop or we will crash!


We need to learn to let go.  We hold onto things way too long that needs to be released.  I decided recently I need to start judging.  Yep.  You heard right. Judge.

After carefully thinking through this, I am judging it all.  How you taste inside me?  What drew me to you?   Where this will take me?  It is true good or bad and now I am OK with judging.  Watch out.  I may prematurely put you to the test.

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Top Casualties


The Atlanta Falcons football team surprised me losing to the New England Patriots in the super bowl. We witnessed one of the best comebacks in football history.  Maybe the lesson to be learned is we should never say a “patriot” will lose.

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img_3495In 2013, several environmental groups sued BNSF Railway for polluting waterways in Washington State.  I was watching this case closely and wondered if the elections would have an impact.  I am quite certain it did.

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I study my birds on a rainy day. Figuring out their patterns, directions, and their timing is for the professional bird watchers. I have a hunch if I figure this out too, I have a chance to capture the iconic bird pose. Since slowing down to a pace easier on me physically and frankly mentally too, my timing on many matters has taken a contemplative approach. Contemplation is good. Birds in my backyard do it when they study the pole leading up to their food. 
There was a time I made decisions way too fast.  I could give many examples, but will just say some of them turned out bad for me. The most utmost of personal matters when it comes to  health and  family decisions should be done slowly if no time constraints are put in place . 

Yet, timing is everything. That is what we have been told all our lives. I sure have been. 
It really should not be in most cases except quite possibly the American Presidential Elections( chuckle ). As I ponder my camera angle, who is going to be the next president is the last thing on my mind…(hint). I already voted. 
Yet, contemplation does not seem a part of the vocabulary in the American households of today. Everything is about going faster and quicker in every aspect in this life. 
Today , my bird friends yet again teach me a lesson in life. Thank you guys (as she stares out the window one more time) noticing the squirrels have arrived … uh oh!! Hurry up guys!! Hurry!!


Is it possible that ignorance is that bad ?  After the last few years, I have contemplated that word and its ramifications. 
Here is my take on life through the eyes of ignorance. The real problem is not ignorance, but it is “knowing” to what extent we do not know. 

Recently, I began a conversation with a friend about current affairs. I like to keep it brief because there are so many other topics I prefer . We decided we need to have understanding and find out as much as we can about a subject if possible . 

How do we do that?  I devised in my own ignorance a few steps to assist me.

1.   Try to gain knowledge when possible.  Go to resources you can trust for information. 

2.   Do not turn away from what you do not want to hear because you are uncomfortable with it . 

3.   Remind yourself ignorance in of itself is no excuse. 

Do not allow yourself to be bogged down by not seeking truth. Enlighten yourself. Believe in yourself. If we find truth and practice it, this will speak volumes to others.

The question is not wrapped up in ignorance when you live your life how you think it should be lived. It is a world view based off many factors. I like to think I have come a long way baby , but the truth is my ignorance still gets in the way. At least , I will acknowledge that. 

God bless all and Go Vote!



Sofie just came hunting in my backyard.  I see her, but she does not see me.  I watch.  I enjoy.  Sofie went MIA after neighbors shot off obnoxiously loud fireworks July 4th.  It is no surprise She went into hiding.  She showed up a few weeks later in the postman’s arms to the delight of my heartbroken neighbors!

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Closer to the Truth

Seattle ‘s first buildings are noted in the pioneer square area. it is common to see folks sleeping on the streets.

walking away the best answer to life’swoes? Sometimes it would seem to be. Yesterday while strolling in downtown Seattle taking my son out for his birthday, I saw homeless people. 

This building’s name sake Schwabacher would be shocked by the sad poor that house themselves near their building. The family was known for their benevolence.


Who walked away from them? Or did they walk away themselves?  We may be closer to the truth than you think. 

The streets of Seattle are fun, but do have reminders of where mercy and grace are fervently needed. I think of my very dear son who could be on the streets because he can not take care of himself. 

Many folks are only a paycheck away from being out on their luck. We also tend to walk away or shut out what we do not want to see or hear. Friends and even   family- have you done this? Have you forgotten mercy? Have you been only wrapped up in your own causes?  To turn a blind eye is folly. 

The Smith Tower was once the tallest. It is now a point of reference for those who wake up on the streets near it.

The illusion of knowledge or what we think to be right is just our arrogance playing tricks on our brain.I believe arrogance is no excuse and is evil. 



After walking through Pioneer Square and where the underground tour takes place, we  headed to the Seattle Aquarium. The environmental causes tackled by this place is incredible.  I spent time with a volunteer in the aquarium who challenged my thinking of the underwater creatures we were enjoying on display.

Sea creatures give us insights wr never thought possible. studies have found that some have florescent ability.The scientific potential in the study of cancer can be enormous.

the deeper in the water these creatures go, they lose their brilliant colors.

Next we headed off to see the Seattle Mariners play the Los Angeles Angels.  It was quite a day of excitement for Luke. His face was all smiles .

Actually my eyes were enjoying these views too!well for other reasons.

Luke is a member of King Felix and his court. Felix is a great pitcher we love here in Seattle.

As I close on this post, may we be reminded about our most vulnerable citizens. They need you. They need all of us. Be a part of the answer. Not a part of the problem. 

The Case Of The Missing Fish

There is a story here, but you have to think deep or perhaps very shallow. You choose. 

Life involves much contemplating. Fred the heron from the PNW is listening carefully and will make a decision soon.

Ok. I guess I didn’t get that. What did you say? I am all ears. 

Got it! Yep. Your mine. 

Dumbfounded Fred is sad. There is always next time. Well. Not always. Perhaps Fred there are bigger fish to fry. Your turn will come.  Life brings rewards at times and sometimes we are left empty handed. Fred’s face says it all. No words needed. 

Thanks from Fred for dropping by and attempting to fish with him. Wish him luck!  I think deeper waters brings a prize!