Category Archives: Seattle

How Did We Get Here?

March 3, 2020:

“How did we get here?” My mind wandering in disbelief as two men cough near by.

“COVID I will not panic, but you got my attention.”  Then another person sneezes.

My name shows up on the computer screen indicating my meds are ready.  Going to the window the distressed lady shouts out to me,

“Look at the spit all over my window.  We have two Coronavirus patients in the ER and my family just called me and said don’t come home.”


What is home anyway? Is it as safe as you think if you’re not invited any longer?


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My life is a moment.  A moment summarized as the sun sets magnificently and gloriously all that and more.  Credit: Alesia

The Ferry

The leaves had turned and within six weeks Christmas would have come and gone. Rolling my suitcase off the bus toward the slippery Seattle street in good spirits, my eyes glistening with excitement, I focused on the ocean within my view. After all it was Thanksgiving and my friend promised a wonderful meal for the holidays. What she would do for me is what I had done for her over the years, as my memories conjured up my kitchen with savory smells that my taste buds couldn’t wait for again.

Manhandling my heavy luggage, staring at the lights dancing off the buildings near the Puget Sound’s emerald waters, I could see the Bremerton Ferry awaiting for me. I arrived a couple of hours early bought my fare and rested on a construction site zone bench, where waiting for my friend to arrive was my goal.

Time went by rapidly, but it had been some time before I heard from her and all to knowing work at the hospital was the culprit. Not a surprise and it did not bother me in the least.

The ferry dock information lady stared at me as I asked her a question.

“Where is the best clam chowder?”

Undeniably she said pointing to Ivars, “right there!”

Yes. Of course.

Suitcase in tow, I decided best to get a bite. It was a good thing as my two hour wait turned to four. What was so interesting besides being physically tired, I enjoyed every minute of that beautiful scenery as dark got darker and the afternoon turned to evening.

It was late, but she arrived and off we went from the ferry to her car parked on the other side of the sound. Driving those dark roads, we reminisced of days gone by and how we both loved the tall pine and fir trees in our view as we weaved the curved asphalt road. I was mesmerized by this part of earth I call home. Yet a part of me was lonely. It was my first Thanksgiving without my sons in 25 years.

When we arrived at my girlfriend’s home, she announced,

“Would you be OK if we have our Thanksgiving meal on Friday?”

Studying her tired face and all to knowing that feeling I made sure to remind her the most important part of hanging out was that we weren’t alone. She smiled and agreed.

Long before she and I would find ourselves together this night, I could not help to think long before in the heavenly it was decided how we would be a help to each other in the present. No Thanksgiving meal on the actual holiday, but my day would not be spent alone and the ferry made sure of that.

Underground Seattle FIRE Destroys A Million Rats!

Spring is here and the tourists will be flocking soon to Seattle, WA.  Once in a while I get asked what are some things that are fun to do in my city?  I usually give many suggestions, but one I had never given was one I finally toured myself! Please note all photos were taken by my friend Donna.  She shared these photos so we could collaborate on sharing this post.

The Underground Tour makes its home in the streets below our oldest neighborhood in Seattle called Pioneer Square.

The Underground Tour makes its home in the streets below our oldest neighborhood in Seattle called Pioneer Square.

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How do you live in this World?

“..When you commune with Me in the garden of your heart, both you and I are blessed. This is My way of living in the world-through you!” The old testament is clear of Nature’s purpose in uplifting the heart and how the God of the universe can sustain us from nature’s point of view. Photos taken from my walks along the trails in Seattle.

Hummingbird Paradise

Part II of my weekend brought me to my friend’s home for a wonderful visit and an enjoyable view of his own little paradise of birds. In particular, you are looking at photos of the Anna and Rufous Hummingbirds. These shots I took were NOT easy. A research study found that the Anna’s hummingbird can shake their bodies 55 times per second while in flight. Can you imagine I was able to even get a picture at all? In fact the Rufous hummingbird is known for their incredible flight skills!!! I would say so, but I was blessed to get a few shots to turn out. Enjoy. These were taken in a town called Silverdale, WA with the backdrop of Olympic Mountains and an inlet that has waters coming from the Puget Sound.

Adult Transition Programs

I spent this afternoon visiting my autistic son’s adult transition program. Any parent with a special needs student know the enormous assistance the school district does to assist families in the special needs arena. Some of us may be more fortunate than others to have a program that goes the extra mile to assist our special kids. I believe our district is one of those here in the greater Seattle area. Thank you North shore School District~! It is with fondness, I share with you the end of an era for Luke. One more month and Luke graduates from this school.
Today I brought cupcakes and ice cream for everyone to enjoy Luke’s extended birthday celebrations~! He wanted to have several birthday parties for his 21st! Luke loves to PARTY!!!


Photography is a great hobby and one I admire immensely in those who have a good eye. Today’s post is from my 16-year-old son’s camera who just so happens to be taking Photography in high school. I try to give him a critique or two about his photos. However I thought better yet give my followers a chance to give my son some good advice. Please feel free to comment as my son Elijah will read what you have to say:

Autism Calmed By Nature

Many of you have met Luke through my writing on this blog. Luke has been diagnosed with Autism. Today camping brought solace to his mind. He enjoyed a day of outdoors, sitting by the river, and relaxing. Here are words to describe what I believe he was experiencing as we all do by nature in my opinion and a few photos of the area he was camping in the Cascade Mountains specifically Mt. Index in the Central area of the Cascades:

Rushing waters flow to me
Showing yourself so gently
Making my life seem tenderly calm
Sitting near you to feel your majesty

I am always thankful to see Luke resting in God’s creation. It is times like these that help me realize how close we as humans are to nature itself.
For additional info. on Mt. Index:

Where Are You? What Are You Doing?

Gardening is a therapeutic experience for me.

Gardening is a therapeutic experience for me.



You ever wish you could see into the internet and peek at your internet Word press friends in real life? I was just really thinking about you guys today. This summer has been going fast in some ways and slower in others. Since my spring vacation to Hawaii, we have not been anywhere. However, living in Seattle does make for many fun days in the summer time. Our weather has been phenomenal this year. In fact no rain for 40 days for you disbelievers out there that think it rains all the time in Seattle!

This summer has been spent in quiet contemplation at times, driving with one of my sons who wants to get his license (hence quiet contemplation keeps my nerves in check), gardening, and many other small projects that add up to more than 24 hours in a day. Heck, I am not complaining. It is my belief we were put on this earth to stay busy and productive. So I guess that is what I am doing. Yeah. The yeah is for my 16-year-old who says that about thirty million times a day.

For you gardener friends, my yard has brought me much joy this year. I actually am not really a green thumb, but I did take some time and worked very hard to get my yard in better shape. I wish I had a before photo to show you because you would not have believed the mess. These photos I am sharing show off some of my hard work, but there is so much more to do. How are all of you all doing and better yet what have some of you been up to?